From the south: Take I-5 north to Everett. Take exit #194 (Hwy 2 E). Then, take the left exit onto Hwy. 204 toward Lk Stevens. This will âtâ at Hwy 9. Go north on Hwy 9 to Hwy 92. Turn right (East) on Hwy 92 toward Granite Falls. Go 3.2 miles and see the camp driveway on your left.
From the north: Take I-5 south to Arlington exit #206; go east approx 3.5 miles to Hwy 9. Go right (South) on Hwy 9 for 8.6 miles to Hwy 92. Go left (East) on Hwy 92 toward Granite Falls. Go 3.2 miles & see the camp driveway on your left.